Thursday, September 3, 2020

Strategy and Operations Revision Free Essays

Prologue to Strategy and Operations Management| Operations Strategy| Product Design| Process Design| Supply Networks| Layout and Flow| Scientific Management and Job Design| Introduction to Quality †A Choice Paradigm| Operationalizing Strategy| Review and Examination Preparation| Operations Strategy Strategic choices Widespread in their impact, characterize the situation of the association comparative with its condition and draw the association nearer to its drawn out objectives * A methodology has substance and procedure Operations isn't equivalent to operational * Operations †assets that make items and administrations * Operational †inverse of vital. Everyday and itemized Content and Process * Content †explicit choices and activities * Process †technique that is utilized to settle on the particular ‘content’ choices 4 Perspectives Top Down †the impact of the corporate or business methodology on tasks choices * Bottom-up †the impact of operational experience on activities choices * Market necessities †the exhibition goals that mirror the market position of a tasks items or administration, additionally a point of view on tasks system * Operations asset capacities †the innate capacity of activities procedures and assets; likewise a viewpoint on activities technique. Items * Tangible Are utilized after buy Services * Intangible * Used at the hour of conveyance TOP DOWN PERSPECTIVE Views key choices at various levels Corporate methodology †the vital situating of an organization and the organizations with it Business system †the vital situating of a business according to its clients, markets and contenders, a subset of corporate procedure Functional technique †the general course and job of a capacity inside the business; a subset of business system Base UP PRESPECTIVE Sees by and large system as rising up out of everyday operational experience Emergent technique †a procedure that is step by step formed after some time and dependent on experience as opposed to hypothetical situating MARKET REQUIREMENTS PERSPECTIVE - Satisfy the prerequisites of the market Competitive variables †the components, for example, conveyance time, item or administration particular, cost and so on. We will compose a custom article test on System and Operations Revision or then again any comparable point just for you Request Now cap characterize customers’ prerequisites Order-winning components †the plan of assets that are dedicated to the creation and conveyance of items and administrations Qualifying factors †parts of seriousness where the operation’s execution must be over a specific level to be considered by the client Less significant variables †serious elements that are neither request winning nor qualifying, execution in them doesn't fundamentally influence the serious situation of an activity Product/administration life cycle †a summed up model of the conduct of the two clients and contenders during the life of an item or administration; it is commonly held to have four phases, presentation, development, development and decrease. Tasks RESOURCES PERSPECTIVE Resource-based view (RBS) †the viewpoint on technique that burdens the significance of abilities (some of the time known as center capabilities) in deciding feasible upper hand. Immaterial assets †the assets inside an activity that are not promptly clear or substantial, for example, associations with providers and clients, process information, new item and administration advancement. Procedure OF OPERATIONS STRATEGY Process †techniques which are, or can be, utilized to figure those tasks methodologies which the organization. ought to receive. Usage 5 P’s of tasks procedure plan * Purpose * Point of section * Process * Project the executives * Participation TRADE-OFFS The degree to which enhancements in a single exhibition target can be accomplished by yielding execution in others. Procedure OF OPERATIONS STRATEGY GUIDES THE TRADE OFFS B/W PERFORMANCE OBJECTIVES Operations methodology †Should address the overall need of the operation’s execution goals * Influences the exchange offs b/w an operation’s execution EFFICIENT FRONTIER Like in financial aspects †raised line. Valuable way to deal with articulating exchange off s and recognizes b/w repositioning execution on the effective outskirts and improving execution by beating exchange offs. Center AND TRADE-OFFS Operations center †devoting every activity to a restricted, brief, reasonable arrangement of targets, items, innovations or markets, at that point organizing strategies and bolster benefits so they center around one express errand as opposed to on an assortment of conflicting or clashing undertakings. Activity inside an-activity †permits an organization. to accumulate the advantages of center without the extensive costly of setting up free activities. Configuration DESIGN ACTIVITY To consider looks, game plan and operations of something before it is developed. Occurs before development. Procedure DESIGN AND PRODUCT/SERVICE DESIGN ARE INTERREALTED Treated independently yet are interrelated. Procedure plan and item/administration configuration ought to be viewed as together PROCESS DESIGN OBJECTIVES Point of procedure configuration is to ensure that the exhibition of the procedure is suitable for whatever it is attempting to accomplish. Procedure configuration ought to reflect process destinations Micro’ execution stream targets are utilized to portray stream execution: * Throughput rate †rate which units rise up out of the procedure * Throughput time †the ideal opportunity for a unit to travel through a procedure * Work in process †number of units in the process is a normal over some undefined time frame * Utilization-the proportion of the genuine yield from a procedure or office to its structure limit ENVIRONMENTALLY SENSITIVE DESIGN Life cycle investigation †a method that examinations all the creation inputs, life cycle utilization of an item and its last removal as far as complete vitality utilized and squanders radiated. Procedure TYPES †THE VOLUME VARIETY EFFECT ON PROCESS DESIGN High volume = food canning production line Low volume = significant venture counseling engineers Low assortment = power utility High assortment = draftsmen practice Low volume †high assortment and the other way around Volume assortment positions Procedure TYPES Process types †terms that are utilized to depict a specific general way to deal with overseeing forms In assembling these are commonly held to be venture, jobbing, bunch, mass and nonstop procedures, In administrations they are held to be proficient administrations, administration shops and mass administrations PROJECT PROCESSES †forms that manage discrete, as a rule exceptionally altered, items. JOBBING PROCESSES †forms that manage high assortment and low volumes, in spite of the fact that there might be some redundancy of stream and exercises. Clump PROCESSES †forms that treat clusters of items together, and where each bunch has its own procedure course. MASS PROCESSES †forms that produce merchandise in high volume and moderately low assortment CONTINUOUS PROCESSES †forms that are high volume and low assortment; as a rule items made on constant procedure are delivered in a perpetual stream, for example, petrochemicals or power. Proficient SERVICES †administration forms that are dedicated to delivering information based or counsel based administrations, typically including high client contact and high customisation, models incorporate administration advisors, legal counselors, designers and so forth. Administration SHOPS †administration forms that are situated between proficient administrations and mass administrations, typically with medium degrees of volume and customization. MASS SERVICES †administration forms that have a high number of exchanges, regularly including restricted customization, for instance mass transportation administrations, call focuses and so on. Item PROCESS MATRIX A model inferred by Hayes and Wheelwright that exhibits that normal fit among volume and assortment of items and administrations created by a procedure on one hand, and the procedure type used to deliver items and administrations on the other. Common corner to corner †most tasks adhere to this. Procedure MAPPING Describing the procedures regarding how the exercises inside the procedure identify with one another (otherwise known as procedure blueprinting or process examination) PROCESS MAPPING SYMBOLS PMS †The images that are utilized to arrange various kinds of movement; they ordinarily get either from logical administration or data frameworks stream graphing High-level procedure mapping †a totaled procedure map that shows expansive exercises as opposed to definite exercises THROUGHOUT, CYCLE TIME AND WORK IN PROCESS Work content †the aggregate sum of work required to create a unit of yield, generally estimated in standard occasions Throughput time †the ideal opportunity for a unit to travel through a procedure Cycle time †normal time b/w units of yield rising up out of a procedure Work-in-process †number of units inside a procedure holding on to be process further LITTLES LAW Throughput time = work-in process x process duration THROUGHPUT EFFICIENCY % Throughput proficiency = (work content/throughput time) x 100 PRODUCT AND SERVICE DESIGN WHY IS DESIGN IMPORTANT? - Enhances productivity WHAT IS DESIGNED? * Concept †diagram determination including nature, use and estimation of p/s * Package †Core p/s †principal to the buy and couldn't be evacuated without wrecking nature of the bundle * Supporting p/s †Enhance the center * Process †structuring a manner by which the ‘ingredients’ will be made and conveyed to client DESIGN ACTIVITY IS ITSELF A PROCESS - The plan action is one of the most significant tasks forms - Producing structures for items is itself a genius

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Use Autobiographical Essay Outline Samples to Write a Better Article

Use Autobiographical Essay Outline Samples to Write a Better ArticleMost people struggle with how to write an autobiographical essay outline. After all, they are essentially what is called a brainstorm for a creative writer. For those who have not experienced writing, it can be challenging to come up with a good outline for the very first time.However, if you do not have your own original ideas, do not worry because you are not alone. Many students struggle with their creative writing skills and writing samples when first starting out. If you are experiencing this, I want to help you get to where you want to be in no time.The first thing that you need to understand is that there are many writers out there who are writing samples for people like you who have never written a single word in their lives. This means that the majority of the writers will not have your exact skill set when it comes to writing. The truth is that many times you are better off going for a basic outline that is generic and can be very helpful in starting your journey.There are various types of outlines you can use depending on your goals for your finished document. Most likely you will want to use a template for each chapter or subsection of your document to start. You may also want to check out different article outlines from websites.A basic outline will consist of the author's name, the basic title of the chapter, the time period the document will take place in, and some brief sections on what to expect after the main story. You will also find that there are various sub-sections that will get more detailed and involve the introduction of characters and story. As you progress throughout the writing process, you may want to think about changing some parts of the basic outline to see what will work best for you.Writing a sample is great because it can give you insight into how to create a plot for your own writing. It can also give you a strong foundation for your current project. Also, r emember that all the different elements within the plot of your writing are not all going to apply in your novel so always keep this in mind.It is also important to realize that the quality of the writing you will be doing will play a big part in whether or not you want to hire freelance writers to help you or not. Remember that anyone can write an outline, but there are always professional writers that will produce a more professional product. Not only that, but if you are using a freelance writer, they are going to provide you with reference materials for your writing project.When you have completed your writing, make sure that you give yourself a grade so that you know how well you are progressing. At least then you will know that you have done something that is professional. It is a good idea to go back and look at the different articles you have written and ask yourself if they can be improved upon.

Friday, August 21, 2020

The Cycle of Never Ending Cause and Effect Essay Example For Students

The Cycle of Never Ending Cause and Effect Essay The Cycle of Never Ending Cause and EffectThere is nothing of the sort as first or second, or as circumstances and logical results. Mankind has continually scanned for the start of things asking questionssuch as Which started things out, the chicken or the egg?. They look for answerswhich are just caught in an endless pattern of occasions. Conviction beforeevidence or proof before conviction, it doesnt matter. Both intensify a cyclewhere before conviction theres proof and before proof there is conviction and soon. On the off chance that the psyche mystery about the chicken and the egg is followed back to itsbeginning, for instance taking the ages and backpedaling on schedule, there willcome a point where the start of things will be put under perception. Howdid things start? Researchers accept that our reality started with the Big Bang,yet for the Big Bang to begin there probably been simply the Sun and the. At that point what was before the Universe? A molecule? Furthermore, before the iota? Theword nothing is a typical response to these inquiries, as far as anyone knows finishing theinfinite mission for information. However before the nothing, there must have beensomething else, perhaps more nothingness, who knows? The reality just is thathumanity doesnt recognize what started things out and have flourish to concoct answerswhich extend from the logical perspective to the strict. The religiousanswers, which are totally founded on conviction, used to be completely acknowledged bypeople, yet as science started to prosper, logical answers, which use logicand thinking, turned into the essential hotspot for conviction. Presently a days it is importantto have proof so as to accept. However when researchers find new things,do they simply discover the proof? Or on the other hand they accept that something is there andbegin their journey to discover it? Once more, be it one way or the other, it doesntmatter. Lets take for instance that the researcher accepted that something wasthere, his/her conviction more likely than not been founded on proof. By what other method at that point could theyhave thought about it? However that proof consequently, before being discovered,was dependent on conviction, etc. We will compose a custom article on The Cycle of Never Ending Cause and Effect explicitly for you for just $16.38 $13.9/page Request now It is every one of the a cycle to be sure. One can't state which started things out. The beginningof things will consistently be an obscure if mankind continues looking for it. Thereis no start. The cycle causes impacts which consequently cause causes whichcause impacts. In a family where there is consistent battling, issues are theresult of different issues, etc. One would need to follow right back tosee what or who was blameworthy from the earliest starting point. The equivalent applies to the searchfor the start of times. So as to stop the battling one would have tostop the cycle. Everybody in the family would need to overlook disregarded occasions andstart all, from the earliest starting point. However in light of the fact that nothing of the sort as completelyforgetting exists, somebody would again do a wrongdoing that would start thefighting chain. The world is a circle which pivots ceaselessly. Once itstops, the pattern of ceaseless circumstances and logical results continues going. As a newbegging happens, the cycle would pivot. It would be the equivalent cycle,not an alternate one. The demolition of our reality would to be sure reason thebeginning of another; on the off chance that the current world had never been crushed, at that point the newone could never have been shaped. A counter contention to the possibility of an endless cycle would effectively bedisregarded. One can say that the cycle probably been kicked off by aforce as articles on earth are given a power to start their movement. However thatcycle would not be a similar one. The ceaseless pattern of circumstances and logical results, ofbelief or proof, of first and second, goes past all parameters. It is thecycle itself which causes everything. It would be the cycle which would causethe power to kick off a littler cycle. The cycle is a substance in itself. .u36c6de52e465c5f02945e1ab0dbfb988 , .u36c6de52e465c5f02945e1ab0dbfb988 .postImageUrl , .u36c6de52e465c5f02945e1ab0dbfb988 .focused content region { min-tallness: 80px; position: relative; } .u36c6de52e465c5f02945e1ab0dbfb988 , .u36c6de52e465c5f02945e1ab0dbfb988:hover , .u36c6de52e465c5f02945e1ab0dbfb988:visited , .u36c6de52e465c5f02945e1ab0dbfb988:active { border:0!important; } .u36c6de52e465c5f02945e1ab0dbfb988 .clearfix:after { content: ; show: table; clear: both; } .u36c6de52e465c5f02945e1ab0dbfb988 { show: square; progress: foundation shading 250ms; webkit-change: foundation shading 250ms; width: 100%; mistiness: 1; progress: murkiness 250ms; webkit-change: obscurity 250ms; foundation shading: #95A5A6; } .u36c6de52e465c5f02945e1ab0dbfb988:active , .u36c6de52e465c5f02945e1ab0dbfb988:hover { darkness: 1; progress: haziness 250ms; webkit-change: darkness 250ms; foundation shading: #2C3E50; } .u36c6de52e465c5f02945e1ab0dbfb988 .focused content region { width: 100%; position: relativ e; } .u36c6de52e465c5f02945e1ab0dbfb988 .ctaText { fringe base: 0 strong #fff; shading: #2980B9; text dimension: 16px; textual style weight: striking; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; content beautification: underline; } .u36c6de52e465c5f02945e1ab0dbfb988 .postTitle { shading: #FFFFFF; text dimension: 16px; textual style weight: 600; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; width: 100%; } .u36c6de52e465c5f02945e1ab0dbfb988 .ctaButton { foundation shading: #7F8C8D!important; shading: #2980B9; outskirt: none; outskirt range: 3px; box-shadow: none; text dimension: 14px; text style weight: intense; line-stature: 26px; moz-fringe sweep: 3px; content adjust: focus; content design: none; content shadow: none; width: 80px; min-tallness: 80px; foundation: url( arrow.png)no-rehash; position: supreme; right: 0; top: 0; } .u36c6de52e465c5f02945e1ab0dbfb988:hover .ctaButton { foundation shading: #34495E!important; } .u36c6 de52e465c5f02945e1ab0dbfb988 .focused content { show: table; tallness: 80px; cushioning left: 18px; top: 0; } .u36c6de52e465c5f02945e1ab0dbfb988-content { show: table-cell; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; cushioning right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-adjust: center; width: 100%; } .u36c6de52e465c5f02945e1ab0dbfb988:after { content: ; show: square; clear: both; } READ: Hate Crimes Essay ThesisIt has consistently been and will consistently be. In this manner, conviction or proof, are the consequence of each other. One causedthe other which consequently caused the other. Both are a piece of the cycle and willremain as a feature of it for eternity. Reasoning

Sunday, June 14, 2020

Employement Law and accounting - 275 Words

Employement Law and accounting (Essay Sample) Content: Student's Name: Assignment Title: Course Name: Professor's Name: Institution: Date: Question 1 It is so unfortunate that there are attorneys who advertise their services in need of oppressing the employer and get a big share of the compensation. I think they should style up and find other things to do. However, it is the duty of the employer to enhance the conducive working environment for employees. According to Occupation Safety and Health Act of 1970, an employer handles providing an employee with a risk-free conducive environment (Rio Grande Boulevard NW, 2014). The Act requires all employers to be prepared for any violence that may occur in a workplace. If an employer/manager overlooks the rules highlighted by OSHA, he/she becomes liable of for any violence that emerges in a business. The victims of work violence have the right to be compensated. However, the certain procedure must be followed when requesting for compensation. In case the employer fails to pay compensation, an employee may sue an employer in the court of law. At this point, attorneys come in to help the e mployees get their rights. However, it turns out to be a business, not a lawsuit. It is worth noting that, employers are also protected from basic lawsuits in case an employee need allowances for injuries resulted from workplace violence. The exclusivity provision of workers' compensation law protects the employers and it restrict employees from filing lawsuits (Leonard, 1986). However, the law applies if the situation happened to the workplace. The human resource can ensure observation and following the employment laws and as a result, such cases reduce. BIBLIOGRAPHY Leonard, D. M. (1986). THE WORKERS' COMPENSATION SYSTEM. Lexis Nexis, 1-4. Rio Grande Boulevard NW. (2014). Employer Liability for Workplace Violence. WWW, 1-4. Question 2 Sexual harassment has become rampant in the modern society. Those who are not aware of such things are full of ignorance. It is not a single case where employers have promised favors to employees in need of sex. In many companies, managers harass workers by threatening the loss of job if they do not compromise with employers demand. In other cases, potential candidates are sexually harassed before they are given employment opportunities. Sexual harassment is a form of discrimination with respect to sex. When a manager (man or woman) oppresses a worker sexually, he/she violates Title VII of the Civil Right of 1964 CITATION EEO13 \l 1033 (EEOC). Title VII requires an employer not to use sexual harassment as a way of awarding favors to employees and potential candidates. How can companies deal with this issue of sexual harassment? First, following the employment guidelines and rules highlighted in Title VII of the Civil Rights of 1964 will limit the cases of sexual harassments. Second , the employers can develop an anti-harassment policies together with employees, and the company's stakeholders. Third, disciplinary actions to employees who harass others workers sexually will help reduce such cases within a workplace. More so, the stakeholders of a company should disciple a manager who oppresses workers sexually. Finally, the employers are liable for protecting employees who have been sexually harassed, and any worker who exploits any other sexually must be laid off. This will prevent repeat of such an action. CITATION Min03 \l 1033 (Minnesota Advocates for Human Rights.) Works Cited BIBLIOGR...

Sunday, May 17, 2020

Dualism By Rene Descartes - 1205 Words

Reyson Kamakana Ching 10-15-17 Phy 263 3:00pm Dualism Renà © Descartes. Who is he? The man, the myth, the legend, the one and only. The man behind dualism that got everything rolling. He was born March 31, 1596, Indre-et-Loire, France and died February 11, 1650, Stockholm, Sweden. Though his time of life he was famous and we’ll know for being a great mathematician, scientist and the father of modern western philosophy. So what really is dualism? Dualism is the belief that there are two kinds of reality. One which is material, meanig physical and immaterial, meaning spiritual. What this means, is that the spirit in you does not die when your physical body does. It goes†¦show more content†¦What this is trying to say is that the mind really is just your brain. And your brain is taking in information and outputting them and this is basically called a function. Another example is if something is giving off or making someone feel a certain way then that thing is that feeling or emotion. If the function for something is to act happy then it is happy. Another one is behaviorism. Behaviorism is when you study behaviors and that they are reflexes that are produced by a response to certain stimuli in the environment. What this means, is that the brain is reacting to something going on in the environment which could be smell, hearing, touch and also past experiences. After taking all this in, the brain reacts to it in ways like thoughts, mental states and physical properties. How this could hurt Descartes method of dualism is that this more people can understand it and it makes more sense. For physicalism, physicalism is that everything is physical. What this means is that when you think of something or have mental states. The chemicals in your brain that trigger everything from emotions to movement of the body, is a physical thing thats going on. Therefor the world and everything runs off of Physics coming from a Physicalist. How dualism is still in the run for answering the question is the mind and the brain different or the same. Is because no one understands or really knows what the mind is.Show MoreRelatedRene Descartes: Cartesian Dualism Essay example1625 Words   |  7 PagesDescartian dualism is one of the most long lasting legacies of Rene Descartes’ philosophy. He argues that the mind and body operate as separate entities able to exist without one another. That is, the mind is a thinking, non-extended entity and the body is non-thinking and extended. His belief elicited a debate over the nature of the mind and body that has spanned centuries, a debate that is still vociferously argued today. In this essay, I will try and tackle Descartes claim and come to some conclusionRead MoreRene Descartes Concept Of Dualism And Then Defend My Preferred Alternative Among The Options Paul M. Churchland1513 Words   |  7 PagesIn this paper, I will examine the principal merits and challenges of Renà © Descartes’ concept of dualism and then defend my preferred alternative among the options Paul M. Churchland discusses. After briefly defining Cartesian Dualism, I will show that its principal merits are that it is consistent with common sense and that it is able to explain phenomena that appear mental in nature. Next, I will show that its principal challenges are its failure to adequately explain how the mind and the body canRead MoreThe Theory Of The Mind Body Dualism1232 Words   |  5 PagesRenà © Descartes was a French mathematician, scientist, and philosopher of the 16th Century, who, according to the Encyclopedia Britannica, â€Å"was one of the first to abandon scholastic Aristotelianism and created the first version of the modern mind-body dualism or emotion† (Encyclopedia Britannica). Born on March 31, 1596, he was dubbed as the Father of Modern Philosophy. His theory on the mind-body dualism, also known as Cartesian Dualism, created a stem of the modern problem of the relationship betweenRead MoreRenà © Descartes and Thomas Hobbes Essay1497 Words   |  6 PagesDuring the sixteen hundreds, the French philosopher Renà © Descartes laid the foundations for the beginnings of Cartesian Dualism. In contrast, the English philosopher Thomas Hobbes argued against dualism in favor of materialism. Recently, Cartesian Dualism, and dualism in general has fallen out of favor as materialism arose as a more plausible and explanatory theory regarding the interrelationships between body and mind. The translation Descartes’ writing in the Meditations is far more cryptic thanRead MoreHow The Mind And Body Are United Based On Rene Descartes Argumentations1523 Words   |  7 Pagesbased on Rene Descartes’ argumentations in The Meditations Of First Philosophy. First, I am going to introduce a few of Descartes’ arguments and his position on the matter. Then, I will pick the most questionable argument and put it up against logical reasoning with evidence. Finally, I am going to conclude how the 17th-century philosopher proposes a fallacious argument which interferes with his Cartesian dualism theory. The Position Rene Descartes believed in what is known as â€Å"substance dualism†. SubstanceRead MoreThe Philosophical Beliefs Of Substance Dualism And Modern Materialism953 Words   |  4 PagesExamination of the Philosophical Traditions of Substance Dualism and modern Materialism The tradition of Substance Dualism was formulated by Rene Descartes to define the differing modes of the soul that function in the human mind. The dualistic aspect of this philosophy is based on the presence of a higher power, such as God, that provides the essence of the mind through the soul, yet the human body is separated from this process. Therefore, Descartes sought to divide the mind from the material body asRead MoreRealism : Reality And Dualism1340 Words   |  6 PagesTeena Lin PHI 1500 Fall 2017 Final Paper Reality is Dualism There are currently four major theories about the nature of reality and substance— materialism/physicalism, idealism, transcendental idealism, and dualism. Materialism is the theory that there is only the physical and material world. Idealism takes the position that reality is made up of ideas and immaterial. Transcendental idealism holds the idea that our experience of things are shaped by how they appear to us and not by what they areRead MorePhilosophy Of Rene Descartes860 Words   |  4 PagesRene Descartes is an extremely influential philosopher from the 17th century and is widely considered the father of modern philosophy. One of Descartes’s most famous philosophies is his cogito ergo sum statement: I think, therefore, I am (Descartes, 2008). He believed that because he is a thing that thinks, then he must have some kind of consciousness or awareness of the world. Because he has consciousness, he reasons that he must exist, especially since he is aware that he i s a thing that thinksRead MoreThe Problem Of Separation And Dualism1399 Words   |  6 Pagessuggests a problem of separation and dualism. Dualism shall be claimed, it is an intuitive position; it offers an explanation of the mind and body in terms of substances (Descartes, 1641) or properties (Strawson, 1959), in which the mind is somehow considered as a non-physical thing, thus separated from the physical world. In contrast, a rival view is that there are only physical things, hence there is no separation between mind and body as suggested by dualism, and that the mind is most accuratelyRead MoreThe Problem Of Separation And Dualism1399 Words   |  6 Pagessuggests a problem of separation and dualism. Dualism shall be claimed, it is an intuitive position; it offers an explanation of the mind and body in terms of substances (Descartes, 1641) or properties (Strawson, 1959), in which the mind is somehow considered as a non-physical thing, thus separated from the physical world. In contrast, a rival view is that there are only physical things, hence there is no separation between mind and body as suggested by dualism, and that the mind is most accurately

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Improving Nutrition in School Lunches - 1990 Words

According to the Centers for Disease Control, â€Å"Childhood obesity has more than doubled in children and quadrupled in adolescents in the past 30 years,† meaning that America’s children need to start eating healthier, including healthier school lunches. The National School Lunch Act is a fairly recent addition to American society. For, as the world waged war a second time, the United States began to worry about the strength and health of the country’s soldiers. However, in the beginning, selling excess agricultural goods was more important than building a healthy, well-balanced meal for students. Unfortunately, many children coming from poorer families could not afford well-balanced school lunches, so in order to compensate, the School Lunch†¦show more content†¦In most states, if a child’s family uses food stamps, they qualify for free school meals (Christie 341). In 2007, almost 49 percent [of students] received free lunches, and another 9 pe rcent paid a reduced price (National). This new direction created big dents in the schools’ meal budgets. Even though schools did not have as much money for lunches, they were still required to provide every student with school lunch, including those who could not afford to buy it. Therefore, schools began serving poor quality lunches because they had to start buying cheaper food in order to keep providing food for everyone (Levine 151). Schools had a hard time keeping up with the amount of free meals they had to provide, so they came up with some extra ways to increase revenue. Schools began to overlook nutrition, health, and education in favor of money (152). Schools contracted with private fast food chains in order to increase revenue, causing many students to eat unhealthy lunches at school (Christie 341-42). However, schools still did not have enough money to provide lunch. Therefore, in order to bring in extra income, schools contracted with soda companies as well (341). Case Study In a small town in Massachusetts, one chef makes a difference in the health of the school lunch students eat each day. Chef Paul is the head of her schools lunch program. She makes healthy, fresh food every day and the studentsShow MoreRelatedDeveloping Eating Habits During School Lunches1671 Words   |  7 Pageswhile in elementary school, has often led to obesity and serious medical conditions. In a child’s early stages, it’s important for them to be taught about healthy decisions in order to avoid any future health complications that can have a dramatic effect on their lives. Moreover, while improving better school lunches, students in school will more likely be able to acquire the necessary amount of energy to get through the day. With the nutrition and energy from healthy lunches, students will increaseRead MoreShould School Lunch Be Nutritious? Essay862 Words   |  4 Pagestime in high school, I often struggled finding something to eat at lunch. I’m not a particularly picky person, but I spent copious amounts of time wandering around the cafeteria looking for an appetizing lunch and coming up short. I felt like I was hopelessly searching for scrumptious food. Not only did I have trouble finding palatable food, I couldn’t find any healthy options either. Everyday I ended up buying a lunch that was unfilling, unhealthy and sometimes downright inedible. School cafeteria’sRead MoreThe National School Lunch Program760 Words   |  4 PagesThe National School Lunch Program is a federally funded meal program operating in over 100,000 public. It provides nutritionally balanced, low†cost or free lunches to more than 31 million children each school day in 2012 based on the childs household income (USDA). The program is managed by the Food and Nutrition Service at the Federal level and by a State education agency at the state level. We will be looking at the statistics of the National Lunch Program for five local schools , and compareRead MoreBenefits Of Healthy School Lunches And The Growing Dietary899 Words   |  4 PagesSchools take control of students every move from the amount of homework they get to the exact time they get out, which is a right they do have. In this eye opening TED talk, Chef Ann Cooper discusses the importance of healthy school lunches and the growing dietary problems of our nation’s youth. School needs to realize that the decisions that they make can impact students in a positive or negative way. Many schools believe if they try to serve healthy foods to students they will not eatRead MoreAre Nutritionists And Healthy Lunches?1421 Words   |  6 PagesNutritionists and Healthy Lunches Nowadays, more children in the United States are struggling with obesity. According to the State of Obesity (2012), â€Å"5 percent of 6-to-11-years-olds were severely obese† (para. 2). Since we discovered such information, we decided to follow big idea number ten which states, â€Å"Primary education (six to eight years) must be designed to meet the unique development of children this age† (Couchenour Chrisman, 2011, p. 276). We created an advocacy action plan called NutritionistsRead MoreObesity And The Rate Of Children Obesity1585 Words   |  7 Pagesdissatisfaction (Mustillo et al.; Hesketh et al.,). In order to solve a problem, it is necessary to discover the reasons of the issue. In a recent study by a nonprofit youth program, students were asked to send in pictures of their school lunches, and the pictures being received are terrifying. Each state present a plate with varieties of food, with the main courses running from mac and cheese, to chicken nuggets, burgers, French fries. The meal usually come with fruit cup, milk, cannedRead MoreAn Advocacy Action Plan Called Nutritionists And Healthy Lunches1439 Words   |  6 Pagesâ€Å"Primary education (six to eight years) must be designed to meet the unique development of children this age† (Couchenour Chrisman, 2011, p. 276). We created an advocacy action plan called Nutritionists and Healthy Lunches (N.H.L). In this action plan, we advocate that elementary schools should hire at least two nutritionists. The nutritionists would go into each classroom at least once a week for about twenty minutes. Through out these twenty minutes, they would inform the students of healthy and unhealthyRead MoreObesity And School Lunch Program997 Words   |  4 Pageswho ate school lunches had more 29 percent probability to be obese than those who ate their own home-made lunches. From that research, we can foresee the relation between obesity and school lunch program(approaches) as school lunch program usually offers low-nutritious food for its cheaper price. Therefore, in my paper, I would like to argue about the current American school lunch approaches which indirectly cause the childhood obesity should be re-evaluated through the comparison of school lunch systemsRead MoreChildhood Obesity : A Serious Problem1221 Words   |  5 Pagesproblems in school. Childhood obesity can lead to many health problems for children including diabetes, high blood pressure, cholesterol and problems in the future. Childhood obesity is a very serious problem that many of our children face in this country. According to the center of disease control the percentage of school aged children aged 6–11 years old are obese in the United States (CDC, 2015). Our school system is one of the major factors because kids spend most of their time in school. FocusingRead MoreThe Taste Test – Pass Or Fail?. Introduction. It Is Amazing1636 Words   |  7 PagesTrump administration. One specific legislation that is in danger is the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act (HHFKA). Under the Trump administration, the lobbying group, School Nutrition Association, had announced recommendations in early March to reduce federal nutrition standards for which Michelle Obama campaigned (CNN, 2017). The School Nutrition Association suggested that the meals prepared should be healthy, appealing meals and specifically recommended that the USDA allow saltier meals and the cutting

Joe Dimaggio free essay sample

Third paragraph Sean?second paragraph Nathaniel?Forth paragraph Main-Lit Ms. Newborns Joe DiMaggio Joe DiMaggio, a renowned baseball player in U. S. , had a different, unique family background that led him to countless success and become a paragon of American dream. He was an Italian immigrant, and his family made a living by catching fish at San Francisco. His father required Joe to be a fisherman to support his poor family, but he refused, because he did not like the odor of fish and the environment. As a exult, Joe was called a lazy boy, and dissension occurred between them. He started his baseball life when his brother recommended him to San Francisco Seals, and later transferred to Yankees after an injury. That was when his miracles brought a significant impact toward baseball history. Joe DiMaggio is known as one of the greatest baseball players in baseball history by setting a record that is most likely unable to break with 56 straight hitting streaks. However, while DiMaggio was on his hitting streak when he caught up to George Killers record with 41 games hitting treat, his hitting streak started to catch the publics attention. Furthermore, DiMaggio also said a quote when people were asking him if he would break Killers record and DiMaggio replied, Im not thinking a whole lot about it Ill either break it or I wont. This quote not only does it show that he does not give himself a huge amount of pressure on breaking the record but also he treats everything with a calm attitude and letting destiny decide everything else in the future. Joe DiMaggio 56 batting streak started from May 15, 1941 when he was playing the Chicago White Sox ND ended after 2 months on July 17, 1941 in Cleveland. The hitting streak is still well known around the whole United States and the world because its a record thats been there for 70 years already yet nobody was able to break the record yet. Besides DiMaggio spectacular performance in batting, he also led the Yankees winning ten American League pennants and nine World Series championships with his splendid defense in center field and his superb batting average. In the 56 straight hitting streaks DiMaggio was able to have an amazing batting average with . 408. In addition, n his 13-year career he was always selected to be part of the All-Star team, and he was also a three-time MAP player. With all these elite awards and results we could see the strong determination and the high standards Joe DiMaggio sets for himself in order to improve and become a better person and player. Through his huge success, he seemed to promise a thing for everyone: American dream. Like Santiago in the Old Man and the Sea, he still moved forward in the adversity. Even his race as one of immigrants (at that time they were not benevolently welcomed), his economic tuition (his family could only make a living by fishing), or his background (his father opposed Joe to be a baseball member), he accomplished his goal, to be regarded as a famous person whose ability is something that everyone admires. In addition, he shed a light on the darkness to America. At his time playing basketball, America was facing severe economic recession and recovery from World War 2, and the mood of Americans can only be described as frustrated. However, his electrifying 56 hitting streaks lighted everyones heart. Therefore, people realized that everybody has an opportunity to achieve seemingly impossible through diligence, dedication, and integrity, to be an all-admired person who will be celebrated for perpetuity. The connections between Joe DiMaggio and Santiago were significant. The family background was almost the same story. Their families were both poor and ran the fishing business. This background similarity linked the two characters together; readers who knew Joe DiMaggio would found it familiar when read about Santiago. Hemmingway wanted the reader to notice this connection in a more friendly way as to in direct terms. Therefore, when we read about Santiago background, we seem to know this character in reality. This built up a d ©J ¤ iv effect. In addition, Joe DiMaggio was a person who was revered by all. He was the superstar in old days. When Santiago confronted obstacles, he linked himself to the great Joe DiMaggio. Santiago believed since they had similar family background and such, they should have the same potential to solve problems and overcome obstacles. Santiago believed this because back in 1946, Joe DiMaggio injured his heel severely. Many Hough he lost the opportunity to win the championship for the team. Media wrote about the unlucky star and all felt sorry fro him. However, Joe did not give up on himself and ignore what all the negative reviews. He trusted himself. After recovering, he came back on field. Breaking peoples eyes, he played harder than before. At the end of the year, his team won the championship, and he, himself, won the Most Valuable Player title. Santiago believed he and Joe DiMaggio had the same potential to turn impossible to possible. He wanted to be like Joe DiMaggio, who conquered his adversity. Without letting the readers down, Santiago at last fished up the great marlin, like Joe overcame obstacles. Joe DiMaggio was shadowed through the story. Santiago constantly linked himself to Joe DiMaggio. In Santiago mind, Joe was like an idol to follow, like a spiritual belief. This gave Santiago hope to keep on doing what he was doing. Thus, Joe DiMaggio was not Just some guy who had a similar life and experience as Santiago did, but also was a guy, a model, within Santiago inner mind. Therefore, the connection between two was closely linked and had great significance.