Sunday, June 14, 2020

Employement Law and accounting - 275 Words

Employement Law and accounting (Essay Sample) Content: Student's Name: Assignment Title: Course Name: Professor's Name: Institution: Date: Question 1 It is so unfortunate that there are attorneys who advertise their services in need of oppressing the employer and get a big share of the compensation. I think they should style up and find other things to do. However, it is the duty of the employer to enhance the conducive working environment for employees. According to Occupation Safety and Health Act of 1970, an employer handles providing an employee with a risk-free conducive environment (Rio Grande Boulevard NW, 2014). The Act requires all employers to be prepared for any violence that may occur in a workplace. If an employer/manager overlooks the rules highlighted by OSHA, he/she becomes liable of for any violence that emerges in a business. The victims of work violence have the right to be compensated. However, the certain procedure must be followed when requesting for compensation. In case the employer fails to pay compensation, an employee may sue an employer in the court of law. At this point, attorneys come in to help the e mployees get their rights. However, it turns out to be a business, not a lawsuit. It is worth noting that, employers are also protected from basic lawsuits in case an employee need allowances for injuries resulted from workplace violence. The exclusivity provision of workers' compensation law protects the employers and it restrict employees from filing lawsuits (Leonard, 1986). However, the law applies if the situation happened to the workplace. The human resource can ensure observation and following the employment laws and as a result, such cases reduce. BIBLIOGRAPHY Leonard, D. M. (1986). THE WORKERS' COMPENSATION SYSTEM. Lexis Nexis, 1-4. Rio Grande Boulevard NW. (2014). Employer Liability for Workplace Violence. WWW, 1-4. Question 2 Sexual harassment has become rampant in the modern society. Those who are not aware of such things are full of ignorance. It is not a single case where employers have promised favors to employees in need of sex. In many companies, managers harass workers by threatening the loss of job if they do not compromise with employers demand. In other cases, potential candidates are sexually harassed before they are given employment opportunities. Sexual harassment is a form of discrimination with respect to sex. When a manager (man or woman) oppresses a worker sexually, he/she violates Title VII of the Civil Right of 1964 CITATION EEO13 \l 1033 (EEOC). Title VII requires an employer not to use sexual harassment as a way of awarding favors to employees and potential candidates. How can companies deal with this issue of sexual harassment? First, following the employment guidelines and rules highlighted in Title VII of the Civil Rights of 1964 will limit the cases of sexual harassments. Second , the employers can develop an anti-harassment policies together with employees, and the company's stakeholders. Third, disciplinary actions to employees who harass others workers sexually will help reduce such cases within a workplace. More so, the stakeholders of a company should disciple a manager who oppresses workers sexually. Finally, the employers are liable for protecting employees who have been sexually harassed, and any worker who exploits any other sexually must be laid off. This will prevent repeat of such an action. CITATION Min03 \l 1033 (Minnesota Advocates for Human Rights.) Works Cited BIBLIOGR...

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