Sunday, May 17, 2020

Dualism By Rene Descartes - 1205 Words

Reyson Kamakana Ching 10-15-17 Phy 263 3:00pm Dualism Renà © Descartes. Who is he? The man, the myth, the legend, the one and only. The man behind dualism that got everything rolling. He was born March 31, 1596, Indre-et-Loire, France and died February 11, 1650, Stockholm, Sweden. Though his time of life he was famous and we’ll know for being a great mathematician, scientist and the father of modern western philosophy. So what really is dualism? Dualism is the belief that there are two kinds of reality. One which is material, meanig physical and immaterial, meaning spiritual. What this means, is that the spirit in you does not die when your physical body does. It goes†¦show more content†¦What this is trying to say is that the mind really is just your brain. And your brain is taking in information and outputting them and this is basically called a function. Another example is if something is giving off or making someone feel a certain way then that thing is that feeling or emotion. If the function for something is to act happy then it is happy. Another one is behaviorism. Behaviorism is when you study behaviors and that they are reflexes that are produced by a response to certain stimuli in the environment. What this means, is that the brain is reacting to something going on in the environment which could be smell, hearing, touch and also past experiences. After taking all this in, the brain reacts to it in ways like thoughts, mental states and physical properties. How this could hurt Descartes method of dualism is that this more people can understand it and it makes more sense. For physicalism, physicalism is that everything is physical. What this means is that when you think of something or have mental states. The chemicals in your brain that trigger everything from emotions to movement of the body, is a physical thing thats going on. Therefor the world and everything runs off of Physics coming from a Physicalist. How dualism is still in the run for answering the question is the mind and the brain different or the same. Is because no one understands or really knows what the mind is.Show MoreRelatedRene Descartes: Cartesian Dualism Essay example1625 Words   |  7 PagesDescartian dualism is one of the most long lasting legacies of Rene Descartes’ philosophy. He argues that the mind and body operate as separate entities able to exist without one another. That is, the mind is a thinking, non-extended entity and the body is non-thinking and extended. His belief elicited a debate over the nature of the mind and body that has spanned centuries, a debate that is still vociferously argued today. In this essay, I will try and tackle Descartes claim and come to some conclusionRead MoreRene Descartes Concept Of Dualism And Then Defend My Preferred Alternative Among The Options Paul M. 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